Appreciation of the good is stimulated by an awareness of the bad. It is a sad truth of life. We could not appreciate the good without contrast. And that is why the hardships of our lives should be accepted, even appreciated as wholeheartedly as the beautiful moments. As I sit here by my snowy windowsill in Denmark I would like to take this moment to appreciate the bad that has opened my eyes to the good, the pain that has made me feel pleasure even more strongly: Thank you cold for making me appreciate the warmth. Thank you snow for making me appreciate the clear skys and green soccer fields that I was taking for granted. Thank you loss for teaching me what it really means to have something worth cherishing.
Thank you bitter, for making the sweet sweeter.
You had me at writing papers! But seriously, thank you for sharing such a beautiful photograph. I agree with you about how contrast brings us appreciation and understanding. They can teach us so much about how to understand the contrasts and conflicts we may never possess influence on at the same time they can teach us how to make choices when we do have agency.