Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Monsters in the Light

I get a lot of my writing ideas from conversations I have with my twin brother. The title for this blog is from a conversation we had about unnecessary fear and uncertainty surrounding “monsters” – thoughts, judgments, experiences – kept in the dark and the relief and ultimate release to be found by shining a light on these fears and turning them into “monsters in the light.”  The idea is so simple. And I am trying to apply this concept to my own issues surrounding my dad’s death    Every day and night thoughts run through my head, sad, hopeful, haunting, and my intention for this blog is to share these thoughts with others to both help me deal with them and maybe to help others deal with their own monsters.  This blog is not just for the nightmares that wake me up in the middle of the night or the images that hit me hard when sitting in class but also for the little milestones, achievements, and happy moments that make this life worth living.  I hope this blog lets you all experience the journey with me and gives you strength in your own lives because I, for one, plan on plowing ahead with serenity, courage and joy.